
Sniff RTMP streams from live TV, online channels, straming services and dump the RTMP properties in several formats.

Posted by Andrea Fabrizi on June 1, 2014

rtmpSnoop - The RTMP sniffer!

rtmpSnoop lets you to sniff RTMP streams from live TV, online channels and straming services and dump the RTMP properties in many formats. You can analyse both live and dumped streams.

You can take a look at the GitHub project page


  • Live sniffing from one ore more interfaces
  • Read dumped streams from PCAP files
  • Dump the RTMP properties in more formats (simple list, m3u entry or rtmpdump syntax)
  • Easy to use and cross platform!


rtmpSnoop works both on Windows and Unix.
To run it you need only python (at least 2.7 version) and the scapy module.

Linux Installation

  • Debian/Ubuntu:
    apt-get install python-scapy

  • RedHat/Centos:
    yum install scapy.noarch
    yum install python-argparse.noarch

Mac Installation

  • Download pcapy from http://corelabs.coresecurity.com/
  • Download dnet from http://libdnet.sourceforge.net/

Unzip and cd in to dnet file then

 CFLAGS='-arch i386 -arch x86_64' ./configure --prefix=/usr
 archargs='-arch i386 -arch x86_64' make
 sudo make install
 cd python
 sudo python setup.py install

Windows Installation
Follow this guide to install scapy module on windows: http://www.secdev.org/projects/scapy/doc/installation.html#windows

Get the code

git clone https://github.com/andreafabrizi/rtmpSnoop.git


The syntax is quite simple:

$python rtmpSnoop.py -h
usage: rtmpSnoop.py [-h] [-i DEVICE | -f PCAPFILE]
                    [--out-list | --out-m3u | --out-rtmpdump] [-p PORT]
                    [--one] [--quiet] [--debug]

rtmpSnoop lets you to grab the RTMP properties from live or dumped streams.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help      show this help message and exit

  -i DEVICE       Device to sniff on (Default: sniffs on all devices)
  -f PCAPFILE     PCAP file to read from

Output format:
  --out-list      Prints the RTMP data as list (Default)
  --out-m3u       Prints the RTMP data as m3u entry
  --out-rtmpdump  Prints the RTMP data in the rtmpdump format

Additional options:
  -p PORT         RTMP port (Default: sniffs on all ports)
  --one           Quit after the first stream found
  --quiet         Doesn't print anything except the RTMP output
  --debug         Enable DEBUG mode


Sniffing on all interfaces, without filters:

sudo python rtmpSnoop.py

Sniffing on eth0, and looking for RTMP streams on port 1935 only:

sudo python rtmpSnoop.py -i eth0 -p 1935

Reading streams from PCAP file:

python rtmpSnoop.py -f dump/tv.pcap

Output formats

Default list:

url: rtmp://
app: live
pageUrl: http://www.test.com/embedded/channel/1/500/380
swfUrl: http://www.test.eu/static/player.swf
tcUrl: rtmp://
playPath: channel?id=123
flashVer: LNX 11,7,700,203
extra: S:OK 

m3u entry:

#EXTINF:0,1, Stream
rtmp:// app=live pageUrl=http://www.test.eu/embedded/channel/1/500/380 
swfUrl=http://www.test.eu/static/player.swf tcUrl=rtmp:// playPath=channel?id=123 conn=S:OK live=1

rtmpdump syntax:

rtmpdump -r 'rtmp://' -a 'live' -t 'rtmp://' 
-y 'channel?id=12345' -W 'http://www.test.eu/scripts/player.swf' -p 'http://www.test.eu/embedded/channel/1/500/380' 
-f 'LNX 11,7,700,203' -C S:OK  --live -o stream.flv


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